Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Just headlines...! No editing... COPY PASTE.. as it is..

NDTV : 23-10-2009 - ["Rahul Gandhi treks after big election win
The Congress has wasted no time in thanking Rahul Gandhi for his contribution to the party's success in Thursday's assembly elections.
Here's why the Rahul Factor is being discussed. The Congress has won 9 of the 11 seats that he campaigned for in Haryana and Maharashtra.While his party and its allies get ready to form the next government in Arunachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Haryana, Gandhi is off trekking. He's travelled with friends, and his sister Priyanka, to Dyara Bugyal in Uttarkashi District. Plenty of fresh air there at a height of more than 11,500 feet"].
Again, it is headline news..!! 9 of 11 seats....Congress..won.. Nice analysis... 'someone' is following him very closely and trying hard to BRAND him.. well...!!

NDTV : 20-10-2009 - [ " Rahul Gandhi on a bicycle ride" - Monday, Oct 19, 2009 , India
Considered a youth icon by many, Congress general secretary Rahul Gandhi was seen in a whole new avatar on Monday - riding his bicycle on the roads of Delhi.]

I dont know... what this generalisation of "considered a youth icon by 'many'.... " I dont know.. who comprise of that "many".....?? In first place... is this a news item???

NDTV 20-10-09 - [ "Saffron Terror - Myth or Reality?"]
I just thought for a second... Safforn Terror... smiled at myself...! I think Barkha should be taken out to a Taliban Village for her to understand .. what terror is...?? The psyche of an average person.. following the Sanatana Vedic dharma.. gets hurt.. by this loose catchy words.. only coined to compensate... for the otherwise defamed... and abused word... "Islammic Terror"... This is what I call as 'appeasement' in litreature...!!
Strangely it presents facts about Malegoan blasts... but no facts of the subsequent investigations ... why is the judgement pending against Sadhvi Pragya.. If she is accused and proved to be involved in the blasts...??? What are findings of Narco analysis???

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Corruption in NREGA..'discovered' after elections..!

The findings of the social audit revealing the corruption in NREGA is surprisingly 'discovered' by media after the conclusion of the Assembly Elections...!

The manner in which the MEDIA has decided the agenda for the recently concluded Maharashtra State assembly eelctions only shows the baised attitude of the media

Media raked up ....

1) 'Dynasty' politics of BJP

2) Raj Thackerey factor...! (Playing...hand-n-glove with Congress to check the anti-incumbency in the state by splitting the opposition..!)

3) Made the Maharashtra election = Mumbai elections..
Discussed the atrocities/ voilence against non-Maharastrians... in Mumbai, leaving aside thousands of farmers suicide in Vidharbha for over a decade now; Price-rise; un-employment!

4) Potraying Congress synonymous to Non-Voilence and BJP synonymous to voilence..!

5) Madness in covering every single moment of the hier apparent../ Prince../ de-facto PM... By holding nation-wide debates on even his casual remarks on Pakistan..! (It is funny to see.. Rahul saying INDIA giving un-due wieghtage/ importance to Pakistan...!) Today, 80% of India Security problem (both Internal and external) is because of this rogue neighbour.. which has unleashed a monster in the name of islamic terror/ jehad.. which now eating it away.... Our PM said.. Pakistan a victim of terror as much as India..!! hehehehehehe!! I wondered.. why he said.. that... Now I understand.. with elections around the corner... even if you are logically wrong.. you should be politcally correct!