Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Media's Ayodhya politics...!

No one has ever talked about the Ram Temple in Ayodhya in the political circles.. ever since the failure of discussions between the religious leaders... during Vajpayee led NDA regime for a out-of-court sellement...
Also, the Supreme Court is guilty of not speeding up the hearing process and delivery of its ruling..!!

Now suddenly... there is furore every where.... Media seemed to have picked up great story ... which is otherwise supposed to be in the safe custody of Home Ministry...! P Chidambaram himself admitted that there are only two copies of the report and both of them are in his safe custody.. locked...
Q1 -> How did it leaked into media
Possible Answer1 - Govt. would have leaked it purposefully to divert the attention of nation.... from
1) "1 yr failure.. to bring justice to victims of 26/11",
2) "corruption chagres of Madhu Koda",
3) "corruption charges of late CM of AP YSR who is involved in muti-thousand Crore scam with BJP trouble making Karnataka minister"
4) Embarrasment for the misadventure while dealing with Sugarcane prices...
last but not least... the difficulties to deal with UNITED OPPOSITION...

Possible Answer 2: Govt did not leaked.. but it got leaked....
In this case the situation is very grave... This brings to another question...how effective is our Govt. is with respect to gaurding the preveliged information concerning the national security.... Is information relating to our nuclear installations also so... freely available...????

Now my question to MEDIA.. Who leaked it....??
Possible Answer 1: Govt.
If government has leaked this and you are displaying selective stories.. in your news channels.. or news papers... Dear IE and NDTV... are you trying to fool people of India... that you have 'courage' to publish truth... when actually you are colluding with a political party to do greatest dis-service to the nation...

Possible Answer 2: Sources from Govt. were bribed for bringing out the report
You talk of lofty.. "Journalism Ethics" You dont have any stand point before public for bribing public servents and deserve to go behind the bars..!!

In the both possibilities... both Govt. and Media are at fault... and this shows.. the state of affairs..!!