Wednesday, September 23, 2009

NDTV / CNN-IBN stories, romanticising Naxalism

Naxalism in India is a complex animal. The current blog will analyse certain facets.. of this revolutionary/political/communal/ facist/ terrorist/ deprived-people's/foreign funded .... organisation.

(I've defined it using various adjectives... because I think it has all these faces..)

Although the up-surge of the movment initially was due to inherent flaws in the our Democracy... it later was used/ abused and taken advantage of by various individuals/ organisations/ countries/ political parties... at various points of times.. across various places...

Naxal movement is the manifestation of communist philosophy of social justice and equality to all... it talks about an egalitarian society....which is classless, stateless with common ownership and control of the means of production and property..
The plight of the small farmer caught in the debt trap laid by the zamindars/ landlords... who turns him and his all future generations into virtually bonded labour is the common sight of oppressed/ suffering class...... (i vividly remember one of Munshi Premchand's short story... depicting the plight of small farmer.. who turns to become a bonded labour in his own farm.. for taking a small debt...) The illiteracy of... these oppressed class.. has added more.. weight to their already existing problems...
I should mention here... one genuine claim of NAXALs...
"On one hand.. we have.. small-time farmers... with 1-2 acres of rain-fed land.. and will only be able to realise his dream of one-time meal a day... if there is a good crop..... !! and on other hand, We have land-lords.. enjoying... 1000's of acres of irrigated land..with all Government subsidies (for Water, Power, Fertlizers and even Income Tax)!!

IS THIS JUSTICE??? If not, then what is the meaning of we getting FREEDOM.. are 'Progressing' on the path of 'development'??

To fight this injustice... met to small / poor farmers..for ..over decades of exploitation... NAXALISM has taken birth.. !! Naxalism had provided instant justice.. for scores of these expolited lot... and thus enjoyed.. unparalleled support... during its hey days!!

The movement is aimed for restoring all rights & freedom to these small/poor farmers and Labourers.... it is about the bringing back equality in society.. it is about bringing equality..which is otherwise, non-existent due to flawed.. working of our democracy system...!!

These problems existed all through-out India and unfortunately are still existing in many parts of the country even today... leaving aside.. the reasons.. for these problems a 'Naxalist' would want to identify the cause of his NAXAL to these problems..

However...I think..the sympathy.. thay enjoied at the start of their movement.... is no longer seen these days?? ...
Is it because... Naxals are failing to identify themselves with the problems of the people for whom they are fighting for..??
Are the people for whom they are undertaking all the suffering... are being left-out of the various.. development paths.. today.. (atleast on paper) available for poor??
Or... have they diluted their basic agenda.. by turning out to be mere.. activists.. carrying out decisions of central body.. which is driven by various motivation.. not related to the plight of the poor farmer/ labour in the remote villages of India??

The irony is that.. today... an average Indian.. do not understand and cannot comprehend the activities.. of this organisation...! On one-side... it is against.. development... reaching villages... and on the other hand.. they boast of helping small/poor farmers... There are instances.. where these extremists enjoy unparallel support from the local villagers... and there are also instances... where these people are chased and set-on fire by the villagers...

Now, how can anyone understand.. these extreme reactions..?? It only solidfies my thesis on this organisation.. that too many people.. pulled it in too many directions...

Now, interesting question is who commits the crime..?? Is it the cadre..or their leaders ...
I say it is Leadership more than the Cadre...
Cadre.. just carries out the orders passed on to them by the leadership... they.. languish in forests... without proper food/ healthcare and lifestyle (freedom).. They are giving their lifetime service for the organisation without understanding.. what their acts... mean to the world around them..! May be they are blinded by the plight.. and difficulties they are going through!!

However, Politburo/ Leadership is completely responsible for the mess they have created and the murders/ genocides.. they've perpetrated.... On one hand.. they themselves.. do not have clarity of dis-associated acts.. that are happening all around.. and on other hand.. they seem to be acting under the influence of their political bosses.. nationally and internationally...

The likes of Khobad Ghandy.. who are so well educated... are responsible for this dilemma.. of this movement...This is the reason I said .. at the start that it is pulled in tooo many directions by too many people at various places at various times....I think the leadership should be prosecuted.. as per the Law of the Land... for disorienting the Cadre.. and killing thousands.. of people... in a pre-planned.. manner!!

Today, the 'socio-economic justice' got replaced by the POLITICS..., the Cadre of the movement is being expolited for fulfilling state-level, national level (CPM/ CPI) and international level (China/ Nepal, Missionaries) political agendas of various organisations and Individuals.. All this turned many Naxal leaders into.. killers...exhortionists... and political goons.. all in the name of a non-existent.. and otherwise a cosmetic ideology.., It is more like a 'Mukhota' for the confused animal... which is disoreinted, law-less, ruth-less.. self-satisfying.. and finally turned into a sold-out organisation... with links to even Pakistan based terrorist organisations..!

The movement.. always need fresh blood/ ignorant activisits .. who foloow the instructions.. without complicated lowest level... for this they paint their message with 'peoples problem' all the time... They use the 'under-development' as a reason for recruiting this talent... and also uses it effectively.. to retain their... 'social justice' flavour in their otherwise non-existent/bankrupt/ outdated... ideas and ideology.

I fail to understand.. how would... killing of Swami Laxmiananda Saraswati.. (an 80+ year old aged.. seer) in orissa.. and cutting his mortal remains.. into pieces.. justifies.. the ideology of any school of thought under the sun...(unless it is contract killing arrangement by missionaries.. for whom.. this old man.. turned out to be a thorn in thier flesh.. as he is re-converting the christian converts)

I fail to understand .. how would.. killing of Nandaraj Goud and Chandra Reddy... (Youth BJP activist and an ABVP - Osmania University student activist..respectively) in cold blood.. justifies.. any ideology.. unless it is political murder for eleminating the up-comming leaders...

I cannot number...serveral BJP activists/leaders.. who were murdered in various states...(one of the reason why BJP is weak in AP) There is a news item that even today... sons of the BJP MP were BASTAR, Chattisgarh.

I have a simple question... for the MEDIA ...what is there in all these.. crimes and murders.. to romanticise..??? What is NDTV/ CNN-IBN.. choosing to highlight??? Unless..for their Brinda Karat communist connection.. (Brinda Karat's sister is wife of Pranoy Roy, who owns NDTV)...

I fail to understand... how exhortion of crores of rupees from people... is part of 'ideology' ... esp. when in almost all the cases.. this money will form part of the personal wealth of these people..

I fail to understand.... why the sons/daughters of all these national/ state-level Communist/ Naxal leaders are based in US/ Europe and other countries.. May be, they don't have hope in India.. May be they think that India... is doomed and not worth for their loved ones for living ???
I was astonished.. and amazed to learn that the only prize for the police.. undertaking combing operations of the naxals.. in forests.. is finding their 'dumps'... Every dump... has atleast ... over INR 50 - 60 lakhs .. along with arms and amunation... these are.. dumped by the 'suppliers' for the cadres.. for undertaking the activity decided by the politburo..

I think backwardness.. is not the reason for naxalism.. But.. naxalism the reason for the backwardness...

Naxals have incentive to keep a region backward.... It helps them.. in talent.. who can be used for carrying out the.. killings..for missionary (esp. because they target tribal areas) activities.. / serving the political agenda of national and International money spenders.. The glaring and saddening example.. for the same ... is the state of affairs in the state of West bengal... one of the most backward state.. in India

On otherhand, the shining example for all states to emulate is the state of Gujarat .. I think every Indian should look upto this state.... in understanding who the is addressing the adminstration shortfalls that can happen in Democracy.

The 'right' of the country.. GUJARAT.. is seem to be taking all the RIGHT steps.. towards the development..while the 'left' of the country .. LEFT out of the development the country is progressing on..

I've heard of pipe gas connections in villages of Gujarat.., 100% village electrification, Girl Child education.. etc etc.. from the RIGHT..... While I heard about...Nandigram.... and Lalgarh.. from the LEFT ....
Ironically... Ratan Tata.. had to move his Nano Project... from LEFT to RIGHT for making it successfull

There has to be something.. inherently wrong.. somewhere.. if this is the difference just in the 'ideology'

Many thousands of Indian citizens were murdered in the name of 'Naxal voilence' in the name of 'ideology'.. over last decade ... Thousands of our young, energetic policemen.. like Umesh Chandra (IPS) liad down their career/ life leaving their families, children orphaned... for defending us...and giving us the development we are enjoying today... in the a/c cabins of 'HiTec' cities.

It will be an insult.. for those all dies in the land mines/ bullet shots.. by these nomadic../ aim-less.. disoriented... people.. called 'Naxals'...

So what do you do...??? Do you kill all the naxals.. may be not... If you.. have to kill the venemous snake... smash its head...
The politburo of the organisation.. is the body, which has all the money power... It distributes.. this carefully among the Cadre.. in exchange for their activities. It also, invests .. for developing its organisation...and the 'RED-CORRIDOR' (from UP/ West Bengal to Bihar to Chattisgarh/ MP to Orrisa/Andhra till Kerala...) whic is a dream project..of external forces.. to break the country.. vertically.....
It is this cunning..leadership ..which is responsibe for the mess the movement is in today.. and it is them who needs to be prosecuted..... Killing the fighting activists.. in the name of encounters.. will not help the problem.. at all..!! Infact, these cold-blooded fake encounters.... are nothing but playing into the hands of the.. people.. who are organising this crime in a planned manner .. sitting in A/C chambers... Government.. needs to cripple the central leadership activities.. bring the perpetrators.. to the book..!! Anounce special packages.. for all those.. activists.. who are all languishing.. in forests...! Ensure the development/ welfare schemes first reach to the deprived class... even before reaching to the middle classs...!

I think our Government also needs to smash the 'head' of this movement.. with IRON-LEG... once and for all... and embrace with love all the cadre.. into the path of development..

Let us not .. trivilaise this... by simply following our use-less telivised debates of Barkha Dutt/ Sagarika Ghose... who would find.. fancy punchlines/ one-liners to.. further.. the political agenda of their bosses..

Lets not romanticise dis-oriented 'relvolutionary' and trivialise this... menance


  1. Very good blog!! I seriously hope your blog and thoughts reach out to people!

  2. Very well analyzed and a few points made so well, that they couldnt have been put better Very good one
